Sneak Peak of sigit.kusumawijaya | architect & urbandesigner booth on Jakarta Property Week 2015 17-20 September 2015 at Balai Kartini, Jakarta Please visit sigit.kusumawijaya | architect & urbandesigner booth number A3 and join on talkshow: Healthy Home for Green & Sustainable Living (by Sigit Kusumawijaya) Saturday, 19 Sept,
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Main-Main di Taman Buatan Beberapa waktu lalu, tepatnya hari Jumat tanggal 21 September 2012, Kopi Keliling ikut meramaikan acara Park(ing) Day yang diadakan di Kemang89. Acara yang awalnya diprakarsai oleh The Volume Fatory, sebuah kelompok yang terdiri dari desainer, dosen, mahasiswa, dkk, yang membahas isu-isu kehidupan urban gitu, akhirnya menggandeng beberapa komunitas seperti Indonesia Berkebun, Belajar Desain, dan juga Kopi Keliling untuk menyukseskan acara Park(ing) Day yang sudah 2 tahun terakhir diadakan di Indonesia. Acara
Read moreThe Opening of Proto Tamansari Exhibition Desakota-Peri Urban Area: Indonesia's claim to the world's greenest metropole The Proto Tamansari Exhibition was opened on 4 September on 19.30 hrs at Erasmus Huis, Jakarta Among multiple new settlement types having emerged in the last century, the Indonesian variant of desakota is one of the most intriguing. It is an unplanned development happening in the landscape surrounding cities mostly in Asia, a mixture of agricultural and urban landscape with
Read more#BH_ANTproject progress per 3rd week of August 2015 by sigit.kusumawijaya | architect & urbandesigner Info for update: twitter: @SIG_architect facebook page: Sigit Kusumawijaya - architect & urbandesigner #SIG #architecture #architect #design #house
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