sigit.kusumawijaya | architect & urbandesigner's project, Rumah Beranda ( #BH_ANTproject ) is featured on Femina Magazine edition #22 May 2016 issue. ---------- #Repost @feminamagazine with @repostapp. ・・・ Tambahan elemen tanaman pada interior tidak hanya mempercantik rumah, tapi juga membuat makin asri, estetis, dan bermanfaat ganda, seperti rumah milik @indriseska ini. Cek tip-tip membuat rumah berkonsep arsitektur hijau yang dipadu dengan urban farming di 📷: Zaki Muhammad   Info: Facebook page: Sigit Kusumawijaya - architect

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twisted tunnel feel the experience of the distorted space and exceed the limit of rigid & lithe substance   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   May 25-29, 2016  Hall 2, booth 2-O-6 in Indo Build Tech 2016 ICE (Indonesia Convention Exhibition), BSD, Tangerang Selatan   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Youtube Link:   Info: Facebook page: Sigit Kusumawijaya - architect & urbandesigner Instagram: @sigitkusumawijaya Twitter:

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Indonesia Architect Diaspora Forum at Indo Build Tech "Indonesian Architects are Ready to Face the ASEAN Economic Community" Date: Wednesday, May 25th, 2016, 7pm Place: Indobuildtech, Nusantara 1 Hall, Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE), BSD City, Tangerang Speakers: - M Haris Koentjoro (Development Design Group, Inc (DDG), Baltimore, Diaspora USA) - Achmad Nanang Maulana (DP Architect, IAI Singapura) - Sigit Kusumawijaya (sigit.kusumawijaya | architect & urbandesigner, Diaspora Netherlands) - Ridwan Kamil (Walikota Bandung, Diaspora USA)* *to be

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Sigit Kusumawijaya giving a presentation at Forum Indonesia Muda - FIM (Forum of Indonesian Youth): “Character Building and Leadership Lifeskill Training : Koneksi Selaras Aksi“ Tuesday, May 17th, 2016, at Pusat Pemberdayaan Pemuda dan Olahraga Nasional, Cibubur, Jakarta   Info: Facebook page: Sigit Kusumawijaya - architect & urbandesigner Instagram: @sigitkusumawijaya Twitter:

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"The 6th In the Zone Conference: Feeding the Zone: International Cooperation, Investment, and Innovation in Indo-Pacific Agriculture" for english please scroll down Sebuah kehormatan ketika diminta untuk menjadi pembicara di dalam satu forum dan sekaligus satu panggung bersama orang-orang penting negeri ini, dan juga akademisi-akademisi serta orang-orang berpengaruh internasional lainnya di dalam Konferensi Internasional: "The 6th In the Zone Conference: Feeding the Zone: International Cooperation, Investment, and Innovation in Indo-Pacific Agriculture" Hari Sabtu, tanggal 14

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"The 6th In the Zone Conference: Feeding the Zone: International Cooperation, Investment, and Innovation in Indo-Pacific Agriculture"   for english please scroll down Sigit Kusumawijaya akan menjadi salah satu pembicara yang akan presentasi dalam Konferensi Internasional: "The 6th In the Zone Conference: Feeding the Zone: International Cooperation, Investment, and Innovation in Indo-Pacific Agriculture" Hari, Tanggal: Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016 Waktu: mulai pukul 09.00 Tempat: Ballroom Djakarta Theater, Sarinah Thamrin, Jakarta yang akan dibuka oleh: - Keynote

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UI berkebun & Indonesia Berkebun - @IDberkebun proudly present: Seminar of Urban Farming: "Produce Your Own Food and be Healthy" Speakers: - Ridho Bilhaq (Urban Farming Indonesia) - Sigit Kusumawijaya (sigit.kusumawijaya | architect & urbandesigner) - Diah Puji Lestari (Gerakan Urban Farmer) Engineering Center FTUI, Universitas Indonesia, Depok Saturday, May 14th, 2016 08.30-13.00 This event is supported by: CAP PANAH MERAH - PT. East West Seed Indonesia Info: Facebook page: Sigit Kusumawijaya - architect &

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