Calling for all Indonesian Diaspora around the world! Come and Join us! The 3rd Congress of Indonesian Diaspora ‪#‎CID3‬ Jakarta, 12-14 August 2015 Theme: "Livable Cities" 12th August 2015, 13.15-17.30 at Kunthi 202, Bidakara Convention Center, Jakarta Speakers & Panelists: Imam S. Ernawi | Wiwi Tjiook | Sigit Kusumawijaya | Florian Heinzelmann | Daliana Suryawinata | Diana Ang | Aaman Sulchan | Mo Smit | Arlene Nathania | Pauline Boedianto | Reza Akil

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Mengapa ‪#‎PeduliIAI‬ ? Tahukah Anda bahwa Indonesia adalah satu-satunya negara yang belum memiliki Undang-Undang Arsitek di Asia Tenggara? Jika kondisi ini dibiarkan, profesi arsitek di Indonesia bisa tergerus arus globalisasi. Arsitek mancanegara bisa berpraktek di Indonesia tanpa diharuskan bermitra dengan arsitek lokal. Ini adalah salah satu fakta yang dihadapi arsitek Indonesia. Demi masa depan profesi arsitek Indonesia yang lebih bermartabat, Anda bisa turut serta dalam pemilihan Ketua IAI Nasional yang akan berlangsung 7 – 13

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"Creative economy era should become the backbone's of Indonesia's economy" "Era ekonomi kreatif harus menjadi tulang punggung ekonomi Indonesia" ~ President of Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo Sigit Kusumawijaya, Principal Architect of sigit.kusumawijaya | architect & urbandesigner, was invited by Badan Ekonomi Kreatif (Creative Economy Council) of Republic of Indonesia to represent Sub-sector of Architecture on Dialogue Indonesia Creative Community with President RI at Indonesia Conference & Exhibition (ICE), Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang Selatan, August

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Panels of sigit.kusumawijaya - architect & urbandesigner at casa by BRAVACASA, The Precious Living & Interior Exhibition in Indonesia 9-12 July 2015 at Grand Ballroom, The Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, Jakarta We collaborate with our partner, in booth G1. There are still 2 days left until sunday, so see you in the event & let's celebrate

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Meeting with Winy Maas, Prof. Ir. Ing FRIBA HAIA (Director of MVRDV), one of the most influential architects in the world recently. Great sharing! Fruitful discussion! Dank je wel & tot zijn,

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