Successfully done. The Seminar on Tools for Green Development of the Desakota just has been held on Monday, 14 September 2015 at Erasmus Huis. Thank you for all the speakers & contributors: - Harmen Van de Wal (Krill) - Endra Atmawidjaja (Ministry of Public Works & Housing) - Bobi Setiawan (Dept. Arsitektur Universitas Gadjah Mada) - Eko Prawoto (Eko Prawoto Architecture workshop) - Karen Tambayong (Green City Committee, International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) -
Read moresigit.kusumawijaya | architect & urbandesigner - news
Morning talk about urban farming application towards green & sustainable city at Jawa Pos TV (currently broadcast at JTV). Keep on spirit socializing livable city for
Read moreSeminar on Tools for Green Development of the Desakota Monday, 14 September 2015, 12.00 - 17.00 hrs. As a part of the exhibition: "Proto Tamansari, Desakota-Peri Urban Area: Indonesia's claim to the world's greenest metropole", we would like to invite you to participate on Seminar on Tools for Green Development of the Desakota on Monday, 14 September 2015, 12.00 - 17.00 hrs at Erasmus Huis, The Embassy of the Netherlands, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav.
Read moreJAKARTA, — Kota layak huni harus mampu menyediakan ruang publik yang layak bagi warga. Ruang publik ini dapat menjadi tempat berinteraksi sekaligus ruang berekspresi bagi warga. Arsitek perkotaan, Sigit Kusumawijaya, mengatakan, ada lima indikator dalam penentuan kota layak huni tersebut. Indikator itu meliputi stabilitas, kesehatan, budaya dan lingkungan, pendidikan, serta infrastruktur. Ruang publik, kata Sigit, dapat masuk ke dalam hampir kelimanya. Dari segi budaya dan lingkungan, ruang publik dapat tercipta melalui ruang terbuka hijau
Read moreSigit Kusumawijaya, Principal Architect of sigit.kusumawijaya | architect & urbandesigner, with Inayah (Nay) Wahid being invited by & had a discussion with Minister of Social, Republic of Indonesia, Dra. Khofifah Indar Parawansa in her office about the role of youth for positive society
Read moreProject of sigit.kusumawijaya | architect & urbandesigner: sharing house was published by Harian Nasional on Wednesday, September 9, 2015, page 28 &
Read moreURBAN FARMING AS AN ACT OF COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT by Sigit Kusumawijaya INTRODUCTION The world’s population hit more than 7 billion people in 2011, and is expected to grow to about 9 billion by 2050. This will inevitably require an increase in demand for residential land and food. In the large cities, the focus is clearly on the development of residential and business areas, with the incessant demand for real estate, apartments and commercial areas. On the
Read moreJakarta - Kota Jakarta kembali berpartisipasi dengan kota-kota lainnya di dunia dalam gerakan PARK(ing) Day. Ini merupakan upaya untuk mengembalikan ruang publik yang selama ini sudah beralihfungsi menjadi ruang yang digunakan hanya untuk segelintir orang, misalnya adalah ruang parkir bahu jalan. Tahun ini, kampanye PARK (ing) Day dilakakukan oleh Komunitas Ruang Publik Jakarta bekerja sama dengan SIG Architect and Urbandesigner serta didukung oleh ITDP (Institute for Transportation and Development Policy). Tujuannya untuk meningkatkan kualitas ruang
Read - Kenapa Anda datang kemari? Tanya arsitek Sigit Kusumawijaya, humas komunitas Jakarta Berkebun kepada seorang remaja putri dalam sebuah acara berkebun beberapa waktu lalu. Remaja tersebut menjawab dengan kalimat sederhana, "Kemarin lihat foto teman sedang berkebun, kelihatannya seru kegiatan berkebun ada tanah-tanah yang menempel," ujarnya. Sigit juga bercerita pernah ada seorang ibu dari pinggiran Jakarta, jauh-jauh datang ke Spring Hill Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat, tempat kebun pertama komunitas Jakarta Berkebun berada. Alasannya sangat sederhana, ibu
Read moreBy Marisa Novara and MPC Research Assistant Jason Brown October 2, 2013 For the past few years, Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC) has been covering the evolving phenomenon of Park(ing) Day, the third Friday in September that is now celebrated globally as a day to take back the streets by temporarily claiming parking spaces as people places. Park(ing) Day is not only a fun opportunity to play with urban space in a different way, but also a
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