JAKARTA Jakarta, formerly known as Sunda Kelapa, Jayakarta and Batavia is the capital and largest city of Indonesia. Located on the northwest coast of the island of Java, it has an area of 661.52 km² and a population of 8,792,000 (2004). Jakarta has been developed for more than 490 years and currently is the ninth most dense city in the world with 44,283 people per square mile. It's metropolitan area is called Jabotabek and contains
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This writing is a review for Biennale Jakarta 2006 exhibition "BEYOND", May 22nd - June 25th, 2006 at Jakarta. Keringnya Warna-warna Baru dan Segar dalam Kekayaan Seni dan Desain Indonesia(sebuah refleksi dari pameran Biennale Jakarta 2006 “BEYOND”, 22 Mei-25 Juni 2006)by: Sigit KusumawijayaMenyusuri masa lalu merupakan sebuah perjalanan yang dapat membangkitkan memori kita tentang kenangan-kenangan baik yang indah maupun buruk yang telah lewat. Namun melihat masa lalu tanpa mengambil intisari dan hikmah yang terkandung di
Read more“jalinan kata terkadang belum mampu mewakilkan perasaan dan pengalaman yang dialami secara langsung” Tulisan ini saya buat sebagai catatan perjalanan saya dan beberapa orang teman (yaitu dari Jakarta: Rafael, Arko, dan Bayu, arsitek muda yang bekerja di PT. Han Awal & Partners, Gita dan Novy, 2 orang penulis muda tentang arsitektur yang bekerja dengan Imelda Akmal, Riska dan Novie, lulusan arsitektur UPH dan seorang teman dari TU Delft Belanda, Sietze Meijer yang sedang magang di
Read moreSeorang kawan yang setiap hari mengendarai mobil untuk bekerja sering bercerita tentang bagaimana setiap hari saat berangkat dan pulang kerja ia harus menghadapi macetnya jalanan Jakarta yang menggila. Saya yang bukan termasuk pengendara mobil sejati hanya mesam-mesem saja. Selama ini saya cukup puas dengan hanya memegang label penumpang (karena sudah ada supir saya…, supir kita bersama mungkin alias supir kendaraan umum) sehingga tidak terlalu mengeluh seperti dirinya meskipun sebenarnya juga sudah cukup muak dengan kondisi
Read moreI. Urban Planning City Planning or Urban Planning, the unified development of cities and their environs. For most of its history, city planning dealt primarily with the regulation of land use and the physical arrangement of city structures, as guided by architectural, engineering, and land-development criteria. In the mid-20th century it broadened to include the comprehensive guidance of the physical, economic, and social environment of a community. Elements characteristic of city planning include (1) general
Read moreOverview of Regeneration Scheme Kop van Zuid (“Southern Headland”) is a peninsula on the south bank of the River Maas directly opposite Rotterdam’s city centre. It covers some 125 ha and used to be an important port area with docks, a shipyard and a terminal for ocean-going liners, but all these activities closed down when the port moved downstream to the mouth of the river during in the 1960s and 1970s, and Kop van Zuid
Read moreSocial media brings to the country a sense of connectivity — to be a part of something bigger than oneself and a feeling that together, people can actually make a difference. The pages of Twitter and Facebook are filled with numerous organizations with different goals — the goals that they aim to achieve from the ground up. “With digital technology, it is like social relationships are now on steroids” said Enda Nasution, a popular blogger
Read moreRoosie Setiawan, Nila Tanzil, Dan Roberts and Sigit Kusumawijaya. Chances are you have never heard of these people. They are not headline-grabbing politicians, government officials, celebrities or wealthy tycoons. They are just people who are making a small difference in this country, but the way they go about it is instructive. In the course of hosting the talk show “Insight Indonesia” on BeritaSatu TV, I have had the pleasure of meeting all sorts of people
Read moreUsing vacant land in Jakarta Sigit Kusumawijaya and the group Indonesia Berkebun (Indonesia Gardening) have started a social movement to use vacant land in Jakarta and other cities to plant food crops. Find out how they did it. Insight Indonesia is the Jakarta Globe’s talk show – in English – on Beritasatu TV. Host Lin Neumann, the founding editor of the Jakarta Globe, interviews business leaders, celebrities, diplomats, newsmakers and analysts on a range of
Read moreYoung Indonesians are breathing new life into their polluted concrete capital city with little more than buckets of soil and seeds. A group of mostly young professionals, known as Gardening Indonesia, has joined the global urban farming movement, converting vacant patches of land between Jakarta’s skyscrapers into lush green vegetable gardens. “There’s concrete, concrete, everywhere. But if we look hard enough, there is vacant land we can farm,” said Sigit Kusumawijaya, 30, watering freshly planted
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